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College of Arts & Letters California State University, Sacramento

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与艺术学院学生有关的实习和校园经济援助机会的集合 & Letters.

In most cases, 申请人必须是活跃的学生,并且在学期内符合每个奖学金的资格要求. Students should start by applying for annual scholarships at MySacState Student Center. 除非另有说明,申请截止日期是每年春季学期的早些时候.

Information about departmental scholarships including eligibility, requirements, and application instructions follow.

Apply now via the Sacramento State Scholarship Portal

Art Department Scholarships & Awards

艺术系每年为学生提供超过8个奖学金和奖励项目. Certificates and awards are announced at the Annual Student Awards Show reception in April each year.

Scholarships & Financial Awards

  • The R. W. and Joyce Witt Scholarship Award in Studio Art 对于任何萨克拉门托州立大学的学生,宣布辅修或主修艺术或摄影. All media are eligible.
  • The Frederick M. Peyser, Sr. Prize in Studio Art for any Sacramento State undergraduate. Only two-dimensional media (painting, photography, printmaking, mixed media, and digital, video and interactive works) are eligible.
  • The University Art Product Award for works of art in ANY 由萨克拉门托州立大学艺术专业的本科生提交,总GPA为3分.0.
  • The Increase Robinson Memorial Fellowship Award is for classified graduate students in Studio Art. Entries may be in any medium.

  • The Peggy Saunders Hall Memorial Scholarship is a $5,000奖金,以支持一个优秀的本科艺术学生谁选择在任何水平的教学作为未来的目标.
  • The Juanita and Jose Montoya Memorial Art Scholarship 500美元的奖励是为了支持一个对教学感兴趣的优秀艺术本科生吗. 开放给大三和大四的学生,主修艺术,总GPA不低于2.7.
  • The Ruth Rippon Ceramic Scholarship 每年有1000美元的奖励给学习艺术的优秀学生吗, with an emphasis in ceramics, who shows promise in making ceramic art a career.
  • The R. W. and Joyce Witt Art History Competition gives out two awards of $100 each. One prize is awarded in each category
    • Category A: graduate or undergraduate art history research papers.
    • Category B: graduate or undergraduate art writing of any genre. Students may submit one entry per category.

Communication Studies Department Scholarships

Undergraduate Student Scholarships & Awards

Graduate Student Scholarships & Awards

To apply visit: Sacramento State Scholarship Portal

Contact Alexis Garcia in the Communication Studies Office for more information.

Design Department Scholarships

All Eligible Applicants Must Apply Through the Sacramento State Scholarship Portal

John Scott Barmby Memorial Graphic Design Endowed Scholarship

该奖学金旨在支持艺术与文学学院平面设计专业的学生. 申请人必须符合以下条件,才有资格获得此奖学金:

  • Major: Graphic Design
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0 overall GPA
  • Class Level: Undergrad: Junior, Senior
  • Enrollment: Part-time at time of award and at time of application

Hogue & Associates Interior Design

The Hogue & 联合室内设计奖学金是为支持室内设计专业的学生而设立的. Open to Student who meets the following requirement:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 over all
  • Freshman, Sophomores, or Juniors
  • At least half time at time of application
  • 室内设计或室内设计专业预科,室内建筑或室内设计/市场专业

Rebecca Renee Bell Memorial Photography

The scholarship was created to honor the memory o Rebecca Renne Bells's Memory, and support Photography Students. Open to Student who meets the following requirement:

  • Sophomores Juniors, or Seniors
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • full time at time of award
  • Majoring in photography

Patricia Ford

The Patricia Ford was created to award Photography Students. Open to Student who meets the following requirement:

  • 二年级学生,三年级学生,大四学生,分类/非分类毕业生,或第二学士
  • at least half time at time of award
  • Majoring/minoring in Photography

International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Merit

国际室内设计协会(IIDA)优异奖是为了奖励学生的学习成绩和设计能力而设立的. Open to Student who meets the following requirement:

  • Junior, Seniors, or 2nd bachelors
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 over all
  • At least half time at time of application
  • 室内设计或室内设计与室内建筑集中-请注意,设计和市场营销集中的学生不符合条件
  • 被选中的潜在受奖人必须可以接受选拔委员会的面试

English Department Scholarships 

The English department sponsors a number of scholarships for its students. Applications for these awards are accepted — and winners are announced — each Spring semester; the scholarships are then awarded the following Fall semester.

Scholarship offerings vary but may include the following;.

  • John F. Wilhelm Memorial Scholarship
  • Katherine Hohlwein Poetry Award of Merit
  • Karen Lee Warmdahl Memorial Scholarship
  • Elizabeth Keith Olmstead & John and Kathryn von Saltza Memorial Scholarship
  • Literary Insight Award
  • Patrick Michael Ewing Memorial Scholarship
  • Hortense Simmons Study Abroad Scholarship
  • Robert G. Mino Memorial Writing Competition
  • Theresa Mary McCourt Memorial Scholarship
  • Ray Brankline and Paulette Gray English Scholarship

To apply vist:

The Theresa Mary McCourt bio page can be found here.

The English department also hosts the Dominic J. Bazzanella Writing Competition each Spring semester, 邀请本科生和研究生提交他们最好的诗歌, critical analysis, short fiction, or creative nonfiction for the chance to win cash prizes and publication. Contact Dr. Rosa Martinez for information.

History Department Scholarships 

Undergraduate Student Scholarships & Awards

Graduate Student Scholarships & Awards

学校提供的一些非专业奖学金优先考虑历史专业的学生, such as the James William Whitsell Memorial Scholarship. The James Madison Graduate Fellowship 是授予目前在7年级到12年级教学的学生或计划在该级别教学的学生吗.

Humanities & Religious Studies Department Scholarship

Jackie Donath Memorial Scholarship

The Jackie Donath Memorial Scholarship has been created in honor of beloved wife, mother, and professor, Jackie Donath. 它旨在支持艺术与文学学院人文与宗教研究系的学生.

School of Music Scholarships


  • 参加音乐教育和证书课程的有才华的学生有机会获得美国音乐教育协会颁发的奖项 Nicholas "Mr. A" Angiulo Scholarship.
  • Talented brass, 木管和打击乐器的学生报名参加萨克州立大表演合奏 Ronald A. Holloway scholarships.
  • 我们亦设有多项以需要为本的奖项,表扬表现优异的学生,包括 Alpha Sigma Phi Paschal Monk Scholarship.

Contact Mark Allen in the Music Admissions Office at (916) 278-6543 for more information.

World Languages & Literature Department Scholarships


The Margaret E. Lavezzo Memorial Italy Travel Scholarship

  • Created in memory of Mrs. Margaret E. Lavezzo, 1973年毕业,获得人类学学士学位, and a multiple subject credential in Education in 1993. 这项奖学金是为一名前往意大利接受教育的意大利未成年人提供的. Award amount: $2500.

Lew Robinson Chinese Endowed Scholarship

鲁滨逊中文奖学金的设立是为了鼓励和支持在艺术与文学学院世界语言文学系学习中文的学生. 申请人必须符合以下条件,才有资格获得此奖学金:

  • Be in Good Academic Standing, 2.0 overall GPA
  • Be minoring in Chinese
  • Be of Junior or Senior Class level
  • Be enrolled full time at the time of the award and application

The Thomas Swift Japanese Minor Travel Scholarship

  • 1000美元的旅游奖学金将颁发给一名辅修日语并前往日本进行教育的学生. Created in honor of the late Dr. Thomas J. Swift, former professor of Asian History at CSUS.

The William J. Sullivan, Jr. Endowment

  • Created by the late Dr. William J. 曾任外语系(现为世界语言系)系主任 & Literatures) and Dean of the College of Arts & CSUS的信件,以支持辅修德语或主修法语或西班牙语的学生. Award amount: not to exceed $1000.